Customers' Feedback
Veronika Bobrova
HR Director at Universal University
Anel в мае проводили для Universal University комплексную аналитику рынка HiPo в GameDev.
Компания по заказу Universal University провела ресеч рынка с целью поиска лучших специалистов для потенциальной работы в ScreamSchool. Мы провели ряд собеседований с наиболее перспективными соискателями и отобрали наиболее интересные профили для дальнейшего сотрудничества.
Я хочу отметить глубокую экспертизу, постоянную обратную связь и отличную аналитическую карту кандидатов (long-list) с контактами соискателей. Фактически, мы получили карту топовых профессионалов gamdev с контактами, причем, со всеми этими людьми ANEL установило предварительный контакт и доверительные отношения. И все это было сделано всего за две недели.
Этим Anel фактически сформировали внешний talent pool для ScreamSchool. Крутая работа!
Polina Eremina
Customer Success Manager at DeckRobot
Менеджер по работе с клиентами в DeckRobot
Recruitment process with ANEL was smooth, transparent and fast. I've met a hiring manager on the same week, that recruiters contacted me and a week after was able to sign an offer. The best in class recruitment experience from the candidate perspective! ".
Ilya Zakharevich
Strategy Director at Robokassa
Директор по стратегичии в Robokassa
With ANEL, I closed two difficult and important roles: Senior product Manager and Developer. The search itself took less than a month, taking into account that in both cases the searches were complicated. The developer had one of the rarest stacks of technologies. During the first week, I received candidates with relevant experience. And 3 weeks later, the candidates accepted the offers.
Vyacheslav Kononov
Consultant at Q.E.D Consulting
Консультант в Q.E.D. Consulting
A huge thanks to ANELl and Anton Kanashev!

I entered the labor market in July 2020 at the height of covid. A time of high competition and a small number of new vacancies.

By the end of the month, I was desperate to find something suitable and planned to wait out the period of self-isolation. I was going to return to the search in October/November, when business activity should have been restored.
But ANEL got in touch with me. During the 40-minute interview he clarified the details of my background and offered me a job of Business Consultant at a boutique consulting agency. Although I planned to find a product manager role, Anton persuaded me to go to the first interview with a potential employer.

I think that the key skill of a recruiter is not only to select an employee by competence, but also to look for a person who can work comfortably with a specific manager.

Anton, thank you for convincing me to go to the interview at that moment. In fact, it was a recommendation for career guidance. I am now confident that I have found a job that is 100% in line with my temperament and ambition.

What I especially liked about communicating with Anton:
- Anton kept me informed of what was happening all the way from the first call to the Jon offer and accompanied me at all stages. There were 2 phone calls and 2 video interviews. The whole process took about 2 weeks, but it was as transparent and clear as possible.
- The way Anton described the workflow 99% coincided with the real state of affairs. No illusions or high expectations. Everything as promised)

thank you so much for dream job. I hope I won't need your services for a very long time!